Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Picking Up The Pace

Looks like things are finally buzzing and forreal this time. I have a couple of potential clients for personal training and I'm super excited about it. I have two this week already and hopefully more to come. I just love love LOVE it!!!

The one 'serious' girl I am training at the moment is well on her way to success. She has already adapted to her meal plan and is hitting the gym as much as she can...even at-home workouts as well. I adore her. I see her tomorrow for her 3rd session. Little does she know we are going to pick up the pace a tad bit. SUPRISE.

The other girl I am seeing for the first time on Wednesday is not new to the gym but is wanting to get back in shape and some days just does not have the time due to certain circumstances. With that in mind, I have made an arrangement with a friend who lives in this amazing condo...for her to train at the apartment gym they have there. I am so thankful as the gym has pretty much everything I need, which is dumbbells & a treadmill. Woot woot!

I am getting a little tired & bored of my workouts. You know what that means...yep its about that time to change it up again. Now all I have to do is decide which exercises I want to incorporate. I want to change it up a bit, make it challenging and interesting...at least for the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow is leg day. I may just finish off with the exercises I already have set in my plan and then change it from there. I thoroughly enjoy making my own workout plans. It's enjoyable.

With being on a fat burner, one thing that definitely picks up in pace is my heart. I feel it going a million miles an hour sometimes and I'm not even doing anything crazy. I know its a little weird but I kinda enjoy the rush. Although, I always have to make sure I check my heart rate. I don't want to die yet...hehe.

Tomorrow is our last dodgeball game before the playoffs begin. We definitely need to BRING IT. Why you ask? Because we are playing against the number one team. I believe they are called "Dirty Free For Alls". Well Dirty Free For Alls...we "The IncrediBalls" have WAAAAY better shirts than you. So there. :D

Wish us luck.

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